The Wild Splash Slip-n-Slide

The Wild Splash Slip-n-Slide

Price may vary by date.

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Good: Regular Price 6-hrs


Better: 7-hrs to 12-hrs 40%


Best: Overnight Rental 60%


*Holiday prices may vary
*Overnight Pickups start at 8am

Setup Area: 35’L x 10’W x 10’H

Actual Size: 28’L x 8’W x 7’H

Monitors: 1 (Not Included) /Adult supervision required at all times

Outlets: 1

Age Group: AGE 3-5 (8) | 5-7 (7) | 8-10 (6) |10-12 (5) | +12 (4)


The price of the inflatable includes setup and teardown. A travel fee will vary by location. Overnight Rentals are generally picked up between 8am - 2PM the following day.

Slip and slide into a great time at your party! This unit features a long wet ride with water cascading along to keep it slippery and perfect for sliding. The water collects at the end of the pool for a BIG splash landing.

Important Rental Information to know:

NO SILLY STRING NEAR THE BOUNCE HOUSE (Silly String will permanently damage/stain the inflatable)

Power: You will need one 15 AMP dedicated circuit for every blower within 50 feet (Most power outlets at your home will be sufficient as long as there is nothing else plugged in to that same outlet/breaker)

Parks: Check with the city to confirm whether or not the park you have reserved has a power outlet available. If Power is not available, you will need to rent a generator which can be added to your cart. If you need to power multiple bounce houses, you may need additional generators.

See FAQs/Terms of Conditions Page Under Customer Service Tab for more information.